With due respect to the sheer quantity of Nike cleats and Evoshield elbow guards in the Bigs, we would bet that this product, a small piece of plastic that loops around the thumb and hides under the palm, is the most popular product in Major League Baseball. The PROHITTER batting aid isn’t endorsed by anyone… but its worn by hundreds of Big Leaguers, and countless superstars since we’ve been paying attention.
By creating separation between the palm and handle, the Pro Hitter helps the hitter to avoid “choking” the bat, keeping it in the fingers and essentially maximizing extension and ultimately bat speed. At least that’s what it seems like to a player like me who doesn’t use it.
Bellinger’s ProHitter is available for $11 at Baseball Express. Note: Buying through our links is directly supportive of WPW and the work we do.
Anyone out there use a Pro Hitter? Why do you use it? Please comment below.