Kansas City Royals second baseman Nicky Lopez sits down with Mike from WPW for a Locker Tour.
Shop Nicky’s Locker (WPW is viewer supported. If you buy through our links, you are supporting WPW as we may earn money for it.)
Shop Nicky Lopez’s baby blue mesh Rawlings here: https://fave.co/3iWhw5w
Shop Nicky Lopez’s Adidas cleats here: https://bit.ly/3lwGl9O
Shop Nicky Lopez’s Adidas batting gloves here: http://bit.ly/adizerobg
Shop Victus bats here: https://bit.ly/3j4m6yA
Shop the ProHitter here: http://bit.ly/prohitter2020
Shop the Thumb-per here: https://www.baseballthumbguard.com/#/