Adidas Aeroburner Comp Price: BBCOR: $350-$380, Senior League (-10): $250 Adidas has been started to make a name for themselves in the metal bat market. The 2018 Aeroburner Comp BBCOR is a two piece composite bat that features a low swing weight. While we technically tested the 2017 model, the 2018 […]
Category: <span>college baseball</span>
The Texas Christian University Horned Frogs have gone to the College World Series in three consecutive years. That type of performance gets you preferred treatment, and as one of Nike’s premier teams, TCU is a perennial contender for freshest gear in the country. Here’s a look, thanks to @TCUManagers on Twitter. […]
Quick look-in on Omaha for some of the new bats in the 2018 Demarini and Louisville Slugger line… TCU has always shown off some of the freshest gear in the game and these sticks definitely meet that standard. We are getting an early look at the new 2018 CF Zen […]
Fellow USF middle infielder @afs23 isn’t hurting for glove swag either. Davis also showed off OSU’s Huarache Pros for 2016. Texas was the first school we saw with these babies. It’ll be interesting to see if the gloves have improved from last year’s debut. We had a UNC ballplayer weigh in on the MVP […]
The most sacred, unparalleled element of baseball is its history. In no other American sport can you trace the history of the game like this one. If you were asked to name a pro baseball player who played 100+ years ago, you could probably name a few with ease (Ruth, Cobb, Shoeless […]
Been absent for a while because its the winter and there isn’t a whole lot to talk about gear-wise, but I wanted to drop-in and throw some college stuff at ya if you haven’t already seen them around. Above, the only gear that really matters, Vandy’s 2014 ‘ship ring. Always […]
As far as I know, brand reps (Rawlings, Wilson/DeMarini, Slugger, Easton, etc) fight tooth-and-nail for the allegiance of top flight schools like St. John’s. The reason (besides market share) is that they know D-1 ping is their best chance to get the most lucrative baseball product they sell, metal bats, into […]
BY BRIAN DURYEA Now that Vanderbilt beat Virginia in the 2014 NCAA World Series, I thought I’d take a snapshot chart of the way BBCOR standards have effected the scores of the College World Series Games over the years with the data from 2014. As well, its interesting to note (although […]
This post is proof that hard work pays and the currency is Swag. We’re not talking about Everyday Swag that mom pays for. This type of Swag can’t be bought, only earned. Elite Swag. And the best part about Elite Swag? It ships early. These are some of the never-before-seen-items […]
We’ve been flirting with a few colleges this year and finally I’ve got a few in the pipeline for you guys. First up is the #8 ranked team in the country, the LSU Tigers. Not a bad place to start, with one of the most successful teams in College World […]