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Catcher’s Corner: The Inner Glove the Pros Wear


It seems that Yan Gomes has added a red, navy, and white tricolor set of his Mizuno G2 catchers gear. His Chest ProtectorShinguards, and Mask can all be seen here. His normal G2 set set is a slight variation of this, with a navy primary, but red outline and grey secondary. This set used to go with any uniform, whether it be the navy roadsall grey roads all grey roads, even the home whites. This new set as you can see, goes with the home whites.


Rene Rivera has come up in Yasmani Grandal’s place for the Padres. Rivera has always been an All Star catcher and he currently uses a fairly standard set of All Star System 7. A pair LG30PRO shinguards, a CP30PRO chest protector and a 33.5 inch CM3000SBT glove. His mask is an all navy MVP4000TI, the only other all navy MVP4000 I’ve seen was worn by an umpire, not a player.

 Most catchers wear a batting glove or an inner glove specifically made for catching, to reduce the impact of a pitch to their hand. Most of these catching specific inner gloves are made by Palmgard or All Star, but Rivera wears a different inner glove I’ve never seen before. It has yellow pad and a black glove. This same glove has also been used by retired catcher Max St. Pierre who even batted with them on. You can see it on his glove hand. Thanks to WPW reader Tommy, we found out that this is a XPROTEX Reaktr glove, found here.  I included the rest of their offerings at that link, which look to be full-fledged-apocalyptic-combat-ready.

Rivera in his first appearance as a Padre

When he first got up to the big leagues, Rivera was still waiting for his new shipment from All Star so he used the same gear he had back down in Tuscon, the only difference between the two sets is the the CP28PRO protector and the navy helmet. The first picture above was a few days after his first appearance as a Padre.

Rivera in Tuscon



It seems Brian McCann’s switch from hockey mask to two piece is permanent. I wish he would have stayed with the MVP4000. I liked it better on him.

It looks like McCann will be using a All Star FM25LUC mask and stock Mizuno G2 pads. One set has a navy mask and grey pads and will go with the roads and the other has a navy mask and red pads and will go with the home whites.


  1. Based off of your desxription of the inner glove it sounds a glove made by the xprotex company…..

    Link to website:

  2. […] recently did a post on these types of glove and we uncovered some good stuff—check it out here).  This will also be out 10.1.2013, at a price of $24.99 (for the left hand […]

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