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What Pros Wear: Carl Crawford (Bat, Batting Gloves, Cleats, Guards)

carl crawford bat, carl crawford cleats, carl crawford jordans, jordan team batting gloves



Louisville Slugger R219 Ash (34 inch/31 oz, cupped)

Crawford has been swinging a Louisville Slugger R219 Ash most recently (below).  He’s also been known to swing the Marucci RB15 that you see above.  Both models are custom-turned for the player, but you can check out Louisville’s Prime Ash line here, and Marucci’s Maple bats here.

Source: Stephen Dunn/Getty Images North America

Source: Stephen Dunn/Getty Images North America

Batting Gloves

Jordan Team Exclusives

Source: Harry How/Getty Images North America

Source: Harry How/Getty Images North America


Various Jordan Exclusives

We’ve covered Crawford’s cleats in our Basketball-Inspired Cleats Feature.  He gets custom Jordan treatment like no other ballplayer besides Jeter.  Currently, he’s wearing the Jordan Pro Dominate exclusives you see below.

Source: Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images North America

Source: Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images North America

Before those, he was wearing the Jordan XIIIs you see below.

Source: Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images North America

Source: Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images North America

Prior to those, he wore some Jordan XIIs and also the Jackie Robinson Commemorative “Six Rings” you see here:

Source: Stephen Dunn/Getty Images North America

Source: Stephen Dunn/Getty Images North America

(MLB didn’t like those.)


Evoshield Elbow Guard

Crawford’s Evoshield elbow guard (two photos up) is available at the link above.

Benik W-106 Wrist Guard (Base Running)

Source: Scott Cunningham/Getty Images North America

Source: Scott Cunningham/Getty Images North America

One comment

  1. Appreciate the post, man! Great job.

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