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Futures Game Recap: Moncada Wardrobe Changes, Kopech

Amed Rosario Cleats

What a solid game last night.  It may be because I am trying to pump out as much content as humanly possible before the game ends, but don’t All-Star Games fly by?  I wish they’d play two!  So fun to watch.  I swear I gasped at every pitch, just watching the movement and velo that every single one of those pitchers brings.  It is legitimately frightening to see it from that top view.  Jansen, Kimbrel, Sale, Miller, Scherzer,  Scherzer’s grunts: all quite unsettling for a hitter.  Except if you’re Robbie Cano.  Robbie laughs, flips a Wade Davis 3-foot curveball off the marquee while blowing a bubble, then drives off in a Z06.  He is a bad man.

None of this has anything to do with the Futures Game, though.  I unfortunately didn’t catch this game—too much content—but lets take a look.

Yoan Moncada Futures Game Cleats

Baseball’s #1 prospect Yoan Moncada, in his second consecutive Futures Game, wore custom Yard cleats by Nomad Customs with his own logo on them.  Minor Leaguers have their own logos now?

Also notice some new Under Armour Yard batting gloves, which we haven’t seen yet.  Unless the release cadence has changed, these should be out in August, or maybe for playoffs.  If you have any info on them let us know @whatproswear.

Puerto Rico Cleats Futures Game

Not only do minor leaguers have logos, but they have mid-game wardrobe changes, too?  This older Spine model customized by SR Customs are also Moncada’s and at some point during the night, he changed.

Michael Kopech Futures Game Cleats

Touching a hundo makes anything look cool, and Moncada’s White Sox teammate Michael Kopech made these adidas Boost Icon 3 “New York City” from adidas’ “Legends Pack” look as good as they’ll ever look.  You can shop the entire collection here (I’m a much bigger fan of “Atlanta” and “Miami”).

Amed Rosario Cleats

Mets #1 prospect Amed Rosario’s 4040v3s by Soles by Sir had a really nice Dominican design, and these take the WPW award for best cleats at the Futures Game.

amed rosario cleats

The toes say “Don’t Be Surprised, Be Ready.”

I like that.

Amed Rosario Cleats futures game

Also notice the Mizuno piece.  Mizuno leather just glows.

Brian Anderson Cleats Futures GAme

The first game-action the Trout 4 ASG chrome cleats saw was in the Futures Game, on the feet of Marlins top 3B prospect Brian Anderson.  Its most likely a minor league rule being enforced, but notice all the pants up?  And notice how good the cleats look!?!  Drop the bell-bottoms, MLB!  These will be available soon at this link.

Victor Robles Cleats futures game

You can tell just by looking at Nats #1 prospect Victor Robles’ feet that he’s fast.  The Afterburner 4s help.

Flo Rida Shoes All-Star Game

No, these are not a new adidas cleat, these are Flo Rida’s shoes.  And that is the end of this post.

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