I stumbled on this this morning and I had to share. This message below is from Vance Albitz (@VanceAlbitz), the pro ballplayer who is leading the effort:
“Gloves 4 Troops is aiming to send away 1,000 baseball gloves to troops before the start of Spring Training, 2013. Recently, I was reading an article on our troops based in Afghanistan. I was intrigued to hear the response of one soldier when asked the question, “What would you like people back home to send you?”
“Baseball gloves and a baseball.”
It’s that simple. I can’t think of a more patriotic thing to do today. If you’ve got a serviceable glove lying around or some baseballs, or $20 for shipping, this is a NO-BRAINER! These are the people that give us all, even the pros, the freedom to play ball! I can’t stress enough what a great cause this is.
Here’s how you’ll do it:
Here’s the document you need to send with your glove:
Vance has already sent 547 gloves.
If you can’t give a glove, which not all of us can, share this with your teammates. Somebody will have one lying around.
To send gloves or baseball through the mail:
Vance Albitz c/o Gloves 4 Troops 23133 Hawthorne Blvd Ste. 303 Torrance, CA 90505To donate via Paypal for shipping costs:
Visit www.gloves4troops.com or send your questions to vance@gloves4troops.com for more info.