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Hitting Like a Girl: The Bats of Mo’ne Davis and Kayla Roncin

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By Brian Duryea

Kayla Roncin and Mo’ne Davis are competing for the little league world series title. They also happened to be girls. These two don’t play for two top teams in the country in spite of or because they are girls, they play because they are ball players who have helped their team win games. Mo’ne, at the age of 13, throws in the low 70’s which, if you do the math, is the equivalent of a 91 mph big league fastball. Kayla, 12,  drops bombs with the best of them.

They both do it with the same bat, the Easton XL1. The bat, as we mentioned in an earlier post, was the best little league bat for 2014.

Screenshot_30 The XL1 is the end loaded bat in the Power Series from Easton with the highest MOI. In other words, it is the heaviest to swing. So, out of every Easton bat the girls of the LLWS could have chosen, they picked the one requiring the most strength. So what does hitting like a girl look like, exactly? Apparently, it looks powerful with a top shelf bat from Easton.

Brian Duryea, the author, is the owner of justbatreviews.com and is a regular contributor to whatproswear. He can be reached at admin@justbatreviews.com or


  1. Just by looking at the first pic it looks like she uses lizard skin

  2. Nice Catch on that Lucas. You are right, definitely looks like a lizard skin grip.

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