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Lizard Skins: The Bat Wraps You’ve Been Asking About

Bryce Harper 3

Source: Jamie Squire/Getty Images North America

Source: Jamie Squire/Getty Images North America

Cuban prospect Henry Urrutia doing it wrong (start with the knob).

Cuban prospect Henry Urrutia doing it wrong (start with the knob).


In the last few weeks, we’ve gotten a bunch of questions from you guys about these colorful bat wraps we’ve been seeing on MLB handles lately.  I did a little snooping and we were lucky enough to get in touch with Lizard Skins, who got us some nice images, a few samples to try, and a nice discount, too.

Source: Elsa/Getty Images North America

Source: Elsa/Getty Images North America

Before I got the samples, I will say I didn’t have any interest in these.  I was thinking that this was a metal bat thing, not a wood bat thing.  I was concerned that the handle would get too thick with one of these on, so I asked for the thinnest version they have, the 1.1 mm.  If the bat handle is too thick, I feel slow because I’ve got to grip the bat deeper and tighter in the hands.  I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve got no bat speed to spare.

It was very easy to put on, and to my surprise, I felt that even with the slightly added thickness, it actually improved my ability to grip the bat with my fingers.  In the game, I actually felt a little bit more confident loosening my grip and throwing my hands at the ball, whereas the month-old tape-job was mostly caked on stick and I needed to spit on my gloves every pitch to feel any tack.  This is in no way a boast, but I got into a couple balls with the Lizard Skin on—two of my hardest hit balls of the year—and I feel like that confidence gained in my grip helped me extend and use my wrists maybe a touch more.  Yes, I’m a ballplayer, and if I went 0-5 I’d probably tell you these things were better off in the trash—but I didn’t.  And I think the Lizard Skins had a little something to do with it.

Maybe you’re in a slump.  Maybe you’re wondering if it’ll ever end.    Maybe you’re thinking of breaking it off with your girlfriend.  Maybe you’re contemplating séances and hair dolls…

Or maybe you’re missing pitches by 1/16th of an inch because your grip isn’t right, and you need that little extra extension to push a ball through the hole.  These might do the trick.

Since I haven’t swung metal in a while, I don’t know how those grips have changed, so I can’t say how they’d improve the grip.  In my limited experience with them, and knowing that guys with arms like David Wright, Bryce Harper and Prince Fielder use them, I would say they’re worth a shot.

Lizard Skins is offering WPW readers an exclusive discount until 8/20 to give them a try.  They’re plenty affordable to begin with, but if you enter A52JL9EAR5B7 (memorize that one) at checkout, you’ll receive a 10% discount.  Check them out at LizardSkinsBaseball.com.  Let us know what you think on Twitter @whatproswear.


  1. I have wrapped my bad with this tape and it is unreal good! Its rather slippery if you don’t wear batting gloves, but with bg’s the grip is unparalleled. A little pricey without discounts, but there’s nothing like it.

  2. Great post Mike, thanks

  3. Thanks for the great lead on a bat grip, will have to compare this to my traditional Andover Powe Flex tape job mixed with some pine tar and crushed rock resin over the top. One thing is for certain, it will keep everything a lot less messy.

  4. Lizard Skins now has a 0.5 mm. grip.

  5. […] has been done for MLB bat throwing when the bat is fully intact. Pine tar is as old as the game and some grips are making a run at the market space, but there is a rarely a night a big leaguer doesn’t […]

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