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MLB All-Star Game Hats Turning Up (Thanks to Uni-Watch)

Paul Lukas of Uni-Watch.com got a tip that a 2015 All Star Game hat had turned up on eBay, and after fact-checking, Lukas confirms that this Blue Jays pillbox hat is in fact an authentic.


The pill-box style, as its called, is a 19th century throwback.  After a little more searching, we found an article from USA Today quoting a press release from New Era (that WPW didn’t see because why would we?):

Over a century ago, Cincinnati’s Baseball Club, known as the Red Stockings, wore a cap which featured horizontal stripes, commonly known as pleats, around the circumference of the caps. This design concept became the basis for the cap that Cincinnati Reds mascot Mr. Redlegs has worn since his inception in 1956 and is featured prominently in the 2015 All-Star Game logo. Now, that 19th century design has been combined with a modern look and fabric to create the 2015 All-Star Game Cap.


It looks like these will be released for sale on June 25.

Here’s a few more designs:

yanks-asg rockies-asg royals-asg marlins-asg as-asg

Get used to that KC version, we’re going to be seeing a lot of it.

I think last year’s Twins version was a miss, and I think this is another miss, though the Marlins version does look sick.  I’ve just never been a fan of the front two panels being a different color—looks like a cheap knock-off to me.

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