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What Pros Blare: Walk-Up Music for the 2013 Colorado Rockies

Source: Christian Petersen/Getty Images North America

Source: Christian Petersen/Getty Images North America

Do the Rockies in fact rock?  They can swing, but can they swang?

My bad.  To the walk-ups.

Eric Young

A solid pick that we’ve seen a few times before.  Drake’s songs (when not played into the ground) are infectious and for that reason, most of his hits are going to play well in a stadium.

Dexter Fowler

I have a soft spot for Big Sean.  His deliberate flow and that kettle drum (?) makes this a feel-good that’ll get the blood flowing.

Carlos Gonzalez

I will say the Flow Violento is a damn good name for a song.  And the guy isn’t a bad rapper.  I just wish they’d give a little more thought to the bass line.  Its like 15 years old.

Troy Tulowitzki

“Check out my swag, yo, I walk like a ballplayer.”

This has gotta be one of the best possible choices, and for one of the best possible guys.  Its nice when it all comes together.

Wilin Rosario

Impossible to stay still…

Told you.

Michael Cuddyer

Michael Cuddyer?  Is this what they get down to in Minnesota?  I guess I just had this impression of Michael Cuddyer as a down-home, hard hat and lunch pail type of guy, and I just didn’t expect this.  This is hard.

Todd Helton

Better fan of number 2 than number 1.  I don’t even get how the first one could be a walk-up.  At least the second one has bagpipes.

Josh Rutledge

I really just can’t blame Josh, here.  I want to, but I just can’t.

Jonathan Herrera

Reid Brignac

Needs an update for 2013, no?  This song is legitimately flawless, though.  Hit-making at its finest.  But it makes me want to rip a shot more than a fastball.  I’m just being honest.

Tyler Colvin

This is a decent band but its a little too soft/hipster for my blow-the-stadium-loudspeaker preferences.  There’s a time and a place.

Jordan Pacheco

I’d love to hear somebody rap over this.  This beat would up my bat speed a few ticks.

Yorvit Torrealba

Hey, I love it, but this isn’t about me.  This is about Colorado baseball fans.

Aaron Cook

See: Freeman, Freddie, Turner, Justin.

Rafael Betancourt

Last year I think Betancourt had my least favorite closer song, so this is a big step up.  This is one of Guetta’s best, I’ve never seen it not rock the house whenever it comes on.

This was one of the better lists, with my favorite being Public Service Announcement/Tulo.  That’s just an untouchable walk-up.  5 out of 5.  My least favorite probably goes to Helton/Springsteen.  I really have no idea what he was thinking with that one.  Hit .320 for a career and you can pick whatever song you damn please, I guess.

One comment

  1. Could you do a profile on Matt Wieters? Thanks

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