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What Pros Wear: Giancarlo Stanton (Bat, Batting Gloves, Cleats, Guard)

giancarlo stanton bat, giancarlo stanton batting gloves, nike diamond elite fly cleats, evoshield elbow guard

Giancarlo Stanton is hitting MOONSHOTS with a cherry Marucci and Nike Diamond Elite Pro batting gloves.

Giancarlo Stanton has stupid power.  As a right-handed hitter, Stanton belongs in the same company as guys like A-Rod, Bautista, and Pujols, and Cabrera—and keep in mind, Stanton is 22 YEARS OLD!!!  He’s not even going to hit his “prime” for another 5 years!  Stanton slugged his way into legendary company with his month of May, with only Joe Dimaggio putting up numbers like Stanton’s at such a young age.

He also broke his own scoreboard—off of a guy who debuted in the MLB three years BEFORE STANTON WAS BORN!

Giancarlo Stanton, NL Player of the Month of May, tied Dan Uggla’s Marlins franchise record of 12 home runs with the cherry Marucci RH6-M, like the bat in the feature.  This bat IS available online, and on Marucci’s site you can even customize the colors.

Screenshot from MLB.tv.

Stanton wears Nike Diamond Elite Pro batting gloves in orange and grey, just like you see in the feature.  He seems to have just switched over to these yesterday (6.3.12), as he was wearing white/orange before.  The greys that he’s wearing now ARE available, but the white variation is not.

Hitting another rocket into the left field seats. You can also see the white gloves here. MLB.tv.

On his feet, Stanton wears a black/white/orange version of the Nike Diamond Elite Fly.  These are also available online.

Stanton also wears the popular Evoshield elbow guard, like Longoria and Pedroia.  This is available online.

I’m sure you all notice Stanton’s sweet orange sleeve, but I couldn’t find anything on this.  Sleeve’s are really difficult to figure out, so if anyone has any intel you’d like to share, please do.

Here are the links:

Marucci RH6-M Bat (Link to Marucci—Stanton swings an all-cherry maple version of the RH6)

Nike Diamond Elite Pro Batting Gloves in grey/orange (or just a general search)

Nike Diamond Elite Fly Cleats (Giancarlo’s are in black/white/orange which should be on the first page of this search)

Evoshield Elbow Guard

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Giancarlo in the field next!  Put A-Rod’s glove post on the backburner because Stanton wouldn’t stop hitting home runs.


  1. The sleeve is confirmed from Custom Sports Sleeves (www.customsportssleeves.com). Color is Vols Orange at http://www.customsportssleeves.com/Baseball-Arm-Sleeve–Compression-Sleeve_p_59.html

    1. Michael,

      Thanks for the info. Where did you get this tip?


    2. I’ve looked on CSS’ website, and the only professional athletes they referenced were John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins. They Vols Orange appears to be the exact same color as Stanton’s, but I find it hard to fathom he would choose an upstart company over Phiten, since the latter is an official MLB company. I ordered one from CSS a few days ago in the color you mentioned, but as of now I haven’t found a link that confirms Stanton uses a CSS sleeve.

    3. I ordered that Tennessee orange sleeve and it is not the same I can promise you that!

      1. Garit is absolutely right. It’s either the Gators Orange (for the CSS sleeve), or the hard to find UA sleeve in Orange. Money is on the UA orange sleeve.

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