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What Pros Wear: Jason Heyward (Bat, Batting Gloves, Cleats, Wristband)

jason heyward bat, jason heyward cleats, jason heyward swingman batting gloves, swingman remix 2 cleats, louisville slugger m9 i13

J-Hey swings a Louisville Slugger M9 I13 and handles it with Nike Swingman exclusive batting gloves.

The clamoring simply became too much to bear; the people of WPW wanted Jason Heyward, so that is what the people get.

J-Hey should be a candidate for comeback player of the year in 2012.  After floundering in 2011, Heyward is currently flirting with a 30-20 season, needing 3 bombs and a swipe with 13 games to go, an accomplishment only one other NL player (McCutchen) is within reach of.

But was there ever any doubt that swing would come back around?  After all, this is a guy who hit the first Major League ball he swung at 471 feet.

Heyward is currently swinging a Louisville Slugger M9 I13 bat.  His measurements (below), which we all know can change from time to time, are 34 inches/31.5 ounces.

34 inch, 31.5 ounce low density maple

This bat IS available online.

Jason Heyward is another member of the Swingman roster, wearing both exclusive cleats and batting gloves.

The best look at the cleats is from Heyward himself, and here they are:

Jason Heyward’s home Swingman cleats.

Home version.

Home version.

Jason Heyward’s away Swingman cleat (also see feature photo for these).

Away Swingman.

As you might have suspected, these cleats are exclusive to Heyward, though Griffey’s Swingman brand does have some cleats available online.

Same goes for the gloves, which are similar to the 2011 version you see above.  Here are the updated 2012 version, which Heyward wears for both home and away games.

Source: Mike Zarrilli/Getty Images North America

And one more for good measure:

Also see the exclusive Swingman wristband.

When he tags one, he rounds the bases like a jungle cat.  So cunning.  So powerful.

Here are the links:

Louisville Slugger M9 I13 Bat

Nike Swingman Cleats

Nike Swingman Batting Gloves


One comment

  1. Nick Markakis of the Orioles has been out with a broken thumb for the last couple of days. He’s been sitting in the dugout wearing an Under Armour black three-button top with short sleeves, some orange piping and an “angry bird” logo on the left chest. Some other Baltimore players, like Manny Machado and Zach Britton had also been seen wearing the same top. I’ve been trying to find where to get it, and NOBODY, including Under Armour seems to know what it is, or where to buy one.

    Your blog always has the best info, so maybe (most likely) you can find out something I can’t.

    Thanks for keeping up the info!

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