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What Pros Wear Update: Evan Longoria (Bat, Batting Gloves, Cleats, Guards)

evan longoria bat model, louisville slugger i13, new balance 3000, evan longoria cleats, evoshield leg guard, nike n1 fuse batting gloves, nike diamond elite pro ii, evoshield elbow guard


Louisville Slugger I13 Flame-Treated Ash

Longoria has been hitting missiles with the flame-treated I13 for a while now.  The bat is available in both Longo’s old style Louisville as well as the new “Prime” cut.  From the photo below, you can see on the knob of a 2011 piece that he swings a 33.5 inch, 31.5 ounce, though there is always slight variation in the weight.


And below you can see a more recent bat, which shows that Longo’s lumber carries the new Slugger branding.

Source: Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images North America

Source: Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images North America

Batting Gloves

Nike N1 Fuse in White

The whites are exclusives, and frankly, I’m not a fan.  You can see them in the above photo.  They’re a little bland for my taste, though there are some other colors available at the link above.

Nike Diamond Elite Pro II in Rays Colors

These exclusives are a different story.  I’m such a sucker for the powder blues.  The Rays light blue unis are so sexy I can’t even stand it, so this only adds to the appeal for me.

Source: Jason Miller/Getty Images North America

Source: Jason Miller/Getty Images North America

Not only those, but he’s got another exclusive set for the home whites that we’ve seen this year as well:

Source: Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images North America

Source: Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images North America

Maybe its the Jordan Effect, but that Swoosh in Tarheel blue is hard to beat.


A totally blacked-out pair of New Balance 3000s

Longoria has been dipping his toes in a few Nike exclusives but keeps coming back to the NB 3000s.  He must really like them because, since he’s got a deal with Nike, he can’t show the logo, hence the blacked-out “N” for New Balance.  That won’t stop WPW from tracking them down for you, though.  Below, you can see the reflective “N” on the instep of his right foot.

Source: Duane Burleson/Getty Images North America

Source: Duane Burleson/Getty Images North America

Its these types of situations, like the Tulo batting gloves, when you realize that as incredible as Nike’s reach in the sports world is, you cannot discount the specialized companies like Franklin and New Balance.  These are people who have been working at their craft for generations, and they make a damn good product.

With that said, Longo’s locker is still flush with filthy Nike exclusives:

Nike Air Max MVP Elite 3/4

Nike Huarache Pro Mid (The first we’ve seen these, WPW reader Natan came up huge for us here)

Nike Free Run 2


Evoshield Batter’s Leg Guard in Black

Available not only in black but other colors, including camo.

Evoshield Elbow Guard in Dark Blue

Unavailable in Longoria’s blue, but there are many colors to choose from.

Benik W-107 Wrist Guard in Dark Blue

You can see this one in the photo before the slideshow of Longoria sliding.  It is available and in Longo’s color.

Pro Hitter in Various Colors

This one is the most popular “guard”-type piece of equipment in the Majors, hands down.  There’s probably a handful of guys on each roster that uses it.

One comment

  1. what kind of sleeve does he wear?

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