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What Pros Wear Update: Matt Kemp (Glove, Sunglasses, Bracelets, Necklace)

matt kemp glove model, nike sha|do glove, nike sha do glove, nike shadow glove, power balance volt, oakley fast jacket

Matt Kemp’s sick Nike glove is only available in Japan—and for Matt Kemp!


Glove – Nike SHA|DO Elite BF1489 (switched from Easton EPG 80B)

(UPDATE: 6.27.12) So, we figured it out thanks to WPW readers James and Troy.  It is a Nike SHA|DO Elite BF1489 glove, made in Japan and only available in Japan.  You can snoop around (it would help if you know Japanese), but it doesn’t look like you can get it in the states.  Lets hope that changes soon.

Nice look at Kemp’s leather. (Screenshot from MLB.tv)

Sunglasses – Oakley Fast Jacket in White (available on Oakley’s custom site, switched from sky blue version)

Here are the specs for Kemp’s Fast Jacket so you can make them in the custom builder:

  • Frame: Polished White
  • Lens: Fire Iridium XL (vented)
  • Lens: Black Iridium
  • Icon: Team White
  • Earsock: White
You can also just check out the many stock versions here.

Wristbands – Power Balance “Volt” with black lettering (available, switched colors)

We’ve seen him wearing two of the neon green ones on each wrist.  Here’s a link to the rest of the color options.

–Originally had it as the neon green version but thanks to WPW reader Bobby for directing us to the “Volt” edition.

Necklace – Power Balance Pendant in red (available, unchanged)

And a link to the rest of the color options.

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  1. the Power Balance that Kemp is using is not the neon green one. he’s wearing the Volt color one with the black hologram. http://www.powerbalance.com/silicone-wristband-original-volt-green-w-grey-lettering-m.html

    1. great call…updating now

      1. no problem man…do you know if he’s wearing the Phiten arm sleeve?

  2. The glove is the Nike Shaido Elite J not the Diamond Elite Vapor

    1. good find. how do you know this? not to be rude i’m just interested

      1. I remember seeing around christmas time last yr about it and i remember they said it was being sold in japan and a lot of proceeds going to tsunami construction efforts

  3. […] Matt Kemp’s glove, Nike Japan has some very slick looking gloves that just aren’t available here in the […]

  4. http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/takagisp/item/2012nike0606/

    Here is the glove from Rakuten and also a link to the buy a custom Diamond Elite Vapor Zero


  5. where can i get the kind of armband he has

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