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What the Pro Wears: Dustin Pedroia (Glove, Sunglasses)

Pedroia Glove Model, wilson glove, wilson a2000, wilson a2k, wilson a2000 dp15, wilson a2k dp15, Pedroia Sunglasses, bolle, bolle kicker

Pedroia will be wearing a new glove for 2012 (above).

Note: This post has been updated, click here for Pedroia’s latest gear.

Pedroia played through last season with a glove very similar to this new design.  His 2011 choice, the A2K DP15, can be seen at www.GLOVE-WORKS.com (scroll down a bit), a great glove collector forum.  His new design which showed up in fall of 2011, the A2000 DP15 (not much of a difference in name) will be his “gamer” this season.  For day games, Pedroia shields the glare with a sleek pair of Bollé Kickers.  From what we’ve seen, he made the switch from Oakley mid-season.

The ever-present grass/clay stains on the front of Pedroia’s jersey remind us where ballplayers got the term “filthy” from.  With as much time as he spends on his belly, he keeps the clubhouse attendant in business, to be sure.  Pedroia won his first Fielding Bible Award in 2011 to go along with his second Gold Glove (2008, 2011), and there most certainly will be more where that came from.

Here are the links:

Wilson A2000 DP15

Wilson A2k DP15 (if you’re interested in last year’s model)

Bollé Kicker (Pedroia’s are black on black)

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