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WPW This Week: #OwnThePlate, Panda’s New Lumber, Jackie Robinson West, and more

Happy Friday WPW family.  Here is a glimpse of some of the things we glanced over this week….

Just one more picture of the gear that the Perfect Game All-Americans wore last Sunday night (via @EvoShield):EvoPerfect Game All-American Classic

Speaking of All-Americans, @UnderArmour and @UABaseball gave us a glimpse of the uniforms and gear that will be worn by their bunch this Saturday at Wrigley Field.  For more information on the game head here.  Do All-American caliber bloggers get anything?Bu7jWXkIgAAt6yfBu7jcd7IMAA6XP8

Last Sunday the Rays and the Cubbies wore some awesome throwbacks….wait….the Rays have Throwbacks….??

Nice stirrups from Rays starter Alex Cobb wearing UA Yard Low Cleats

Nice stirrups from Rays starter Alex Cobb wearing UA Yard Low Cleats

Pablo Sandoval aka the Panda, has some new lumber on the way courtesy of Tucci (@TucciLumberBat)

TLBATS.com if you're looking for Tucci's site

TLBATS.com if you’re looking for Tucci’s site

Speaking of bats, if you’ve been paying attention to what we’ve been reporting, or @SluggerNation you know that today is a big day.


I’m going to get selfish and end this post with some coverage of my favorite baseball event of the year (alright second favorite) the Little League World Series.

Pierce Jones of Jackie Robinson West Little League went YAHTZEE 3 times yesterday….looking swaggy, swinging what looks to be an Easton XL1 (shop the Easton bat line here).



WPW bonus…take a look at the digi camo unis, and “42,” hats to honor Jackie Robinson the Chicago/Great Lake Legions representative wore when they advanced to the LLWS (Photo courtesy of @GreatLakesJRW):

Love these uni's

Love these uni’s

It’s been real everyone, we’ll see ya next week!


  1. Is that an ua wood bat?

  2. I only saw highlights of the Great Lakes vs Northwest game yesterday but I did watch the 42’s regional semi and final. Those boys are kitted out nicely. The digicam tops were accented nicely with an array of Evoshield gear. The matching navy/gold cleats from Boombah were a great touch although they’ll probably be in Easton kicks in Williamsport. Can’t wait to see them this weekend!

  3. where can i buy those awesome camo evoshield sleeves and wrist guards? the ones in those colors i meean

    1. baseballexpress.com sells them in an array of colors including the digi camo colors.

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