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Welcome to the New WhatProsWear.com


I started WPW in February 2012 with the hope that style-conscious and performance-minded ballplayers would find us. I had little to no idea how to make a website and very little knowledge of baseball gear, but James Earl Jones kept telling me, “If You Build It, They Will Come,” and you did.  You most definitely did.

Thanks to you, WPW has outgrown its shell, and I’m really proud to say that this new look and structure is what I had in mind when I first bought the domain back in 2007.

A few things you’ll notice when you look around:

  • Its pretty, AND LOOKS GREAT ON MOBILE.  Thanks Zen Den.
  • Everything is better organized (and will be easier to update).
  • Each product has its own page with photos, info, a Buy Now button (if available), and the ability to review or comment on the specific item—or to let us know we need to update.
  • Search by Team – here is where you will find individual player profiles.
  • Search by Position – this is a database where all gear worn at that position will be listed.  Narrow it down by player, equipment type, or even brand.
  • Search All Gear – this is the mothership, where every single item can be found and drilled down into.
  • Clicking on the photo of the gear will give you more info.  Clicking BUY NOW will take you away from WPW to the website selling that item.
  • Relevant advertising tastefully embedded in the content.  Bills bills bills.

Other things you’ll notice:

  • Its not perfect.  It will likely evolve, and we welcome suggestions.
  • It may be a little slower than the big name websites you’re used to.  That’s the trade-off for beautiful large images and tons of information you can’t find anywhere else.  Please be patient.
  • Some profiles haven’t been updated yet, and some are missing.  Now that we’ve got it launched, updates will be easier, and they’ll happen as soon as I get to them.
  • You may find an error.  Let us know.

I really hope you like it.



  1. What an awesome website. Great job Mike.

  2. I enjoy the new site, but I miss all of the pictures of the pros in their gear!!

    1. not sure what you mean by that

  3. Love the new website!! Way to go keep up the good work!!

  4. I love the new site, but I miss the write up’s on player profiles.

  5. Thank you SO much for all of your hard work on this website! As an aspiring baseball player and fan for life, this website is pure gold to me. Thank you!!!


  6. Post josh donaldson’s profile. he has some baseball swag

  7. Post josh donaldson’s profile. he has some baseball swag

  8. Also, great job on the new site. looks wonderful

  9. Great website, I check in religiously since roughly 2013. I love watching games and seeing all the players equipment and ‘swag’ and even the equipment I see up here in Canadian elite and college baseball. Hopefully a WPW mobile version/App is released in the future.

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