A bunch of people have asked us why we haven’t done any of our Glove Story videos with Wilson gloves. The simple answer is because we haven’t had the chance to talk to those guys yet. Lucky for you, Wilson has got you covered with a few awesome videos of top prospect Dansby Swanson, glovehead Daniel Norris, and swiss army knife Marwin Gonzalez. And lucky for your ears, the production quality is far superior to WPW vids, so you don’t have to listen to a John Deere greens mower convention in the background. Plus the music is tight.
I gotta come clean here. Its been on my mind for a while and I just gotta get it off my chest. I let other people wear my glove. There I said it. Does that make me a bad person? I even let them USE my glove! We got a 1B on our team that can’t catch a cold but I give him my PROTB24 when he’s playing OF because at least that gives him a fighting chance, you know? Just close your eyes and open the glove. I am a nice guy. I like to share stuff. Is that so wrong!?